
The first datatype you are going to meet is the string, this how you can use text within programming.

You have already met the string, when you wrote the line:

print("Hello, World!")

Strings can be identified by the speech marks around them, anything between two speech marks is a string.

Within our code, we call the string type str, simply because this is less to type than string

Here are some simple examples of strings:

There are also some other strings, for example "" is the empty string, because there is nothing between the speech marks.

Your task is to remove any lines of code which print something that isn't a string.

Well done!

When you are ready, continue on to the next task.

Something isn't quite right...

Close this message and have another go!


This guide is intended to help with syntax. See the prelude section for pre-defined functions and variables. See the tutorials page for tutorials on how to write code.

Can't find what you're looking for?

Check the tutorials page for more!


The prelude is all the pre-defined functions and variables available to use. See the tutorials page for tutorials on how to write code.

Can't find what you're looking for?

Check the tutorials page for more!